"Durzyn" ? We Poles have inclination to re-name places. When most of other nationalities from Wildflecken departed say at the fall of 1945 and the camp was filled with about 18 thousand people of Polish nationality to curb the disorder we had some sort of election in Wildflecken and set our own local government set on principle of a municipality. Of course it was still subsiervient to Director of UNRRA and American Military authorities. But internally in the camp we elected municipal like, our own authorities, police department, educational department, etc. There was even some competition to select a Polish name for our self-proclaimed municipality. And some one (I think Mr. Janta who was a pre-war writer and member of Polish Parliament if I am not mistaken) came with the idea to name our town (Wildflecken) "Durzyn" supposedly for the reason that about 15 hundred years earlier this part of Germany was settled by Slavic tribe "Durzynow" perhaps subpart of Luzyczan. How valid was this reasoning I am not sure, anyway name was accepted, it was written over the building occupied by local municipal offices and hence for a year or two we lived in Polish town of Durzyn in middle of Germany." Bei einer Abstimmung der hier untergebrachten, ca. 18.000 Polen legte man sich fest, dem Lagerbereich den polnischen Namen "Durzyn" bzw. auch "Durzynie" zu geben. Man bezog sich dabei auf die (historisch allerdings nicht gesicherte) Behauptung, vor ca. 1.500 Jahren hätte der slawische Stamm der "Durzynows" hier in der Gegend gesiedelt. |
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