www.wta.heinzleitsch.de - The U.S. Army in Wildflecken, 1951 - 1994


Hilltop Herald 
April 29, 1994 

  APRIL 15, 1994: A day for the history books 

Burgermeister Walter Gutmann plays a "heartrending" version of "Yesterday" on is clarinet accompined by Wolfram Reidelbach on the piano at the ecumenical service.    The USAREUR Band leads the Wildflecken Fire Departement and the crowd from the Inactivation Ceremony to the Monument Dedication. 


  Bundeswehr cooks from the Panzerartillery Battalion 355 prepare and serve soup "free-of-cost" at the fest. 



Photos by Marilyn Haas
With smiles, the 100th ASG Commander Gary Tobin and Wife, Mila, and the former 283d Base Support Battalion Commander, Vincente C. Ogilvie, "Prost" at the friendship fest following the inactivation ceremony.


folk dancing group
Even the young German citizens participate in the day. The folk dancing group form the Wildflecken Kindergarten and the first class of the Volksschule in Wildflecken get ready to perform at the fest.

sweet irony´
Col. Gary Tobin
Commander, 100th Area Suport Group

 friendship fest
Germans and Americns celebrate "with one crying eye and oe laughing eye" during the final friendship fest.

In remembrance of cooperation and friendship
E. Schrenk    friendship monument
Emil Schrenk, left, along with Marcel Annon begin to chisel away at the 10-ton stone in March, 1994.  The friendship monument gets positioned and placed for its permanent location at the flag pole island.

   the monument  
The monument is reveald for the first time to the public on April 15, 1994. Ir reads, "In remembrance of the long-lasting, good-working relationship with our American friends, 1953-1994, ther German Workforce."
